Serving the Hungry and Vulnerable in Los Angeles

“That we may have proof of his gentleness” 2:19-20

At St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, the staff and volunteers, together with the support of our donors, are dedicated to serving the hungry and vulnerable in Los Angeles. This daily work reflects the call to serve those who are most in need, regardless of their economic or social status.

In the spirit of compassion, when we welcome and care for a vulnerable person, we are embracing the core principles of shared humanity and universal kindness. This practice not only supports those in need but also enriches our own lives by fostering a sense of community and solidarity.

Our greatest achievements come from making a positive impact by serving the most vulnerable among us, demonstrating that we can uphold our individual worth while lifting others. True greatness and success are measured by our ability to give and the impact we have on other people’s lives. As Pope Francis reminds us, “To be truly great, one must serve.”

By providing meals and support to those in need, the St. Vincent Meals on Wheels team exemplifies this philosophy, highlighting that our value lies not in what we possess, but by the care and support we offer to others. We are uplifted when we know we are lifting others. As our homebound clients thrive, our actions are guided to serve and support.

Thank you to all who dedicate their time, resources, and hearts to the mission of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels; you enable us to serve food and love daily. Together, we can continue to make a difference in our City of Angels by creating a compassionate and just community.