Notes from the Heart: St. Vincent Meals on Wheels Touches Lives
At St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, we have the incredible honor of touching the lives of seniors and other homebound Angelenos who are often forgotten and left behind as families spread out and elders try to remain self-sufficient. While the work we do is essential, it is the heartfelt gratitude from those we serve that truly amplifies the impact of our efforts.
Take Bobbie M., for example, who writes, “As always, I am so appreciative of your meals, support staff, and spectacular volunteers. I hope you will pass on my thanks to them. Meals on Wheels is such a special and necessary operation. I am so glad to be a recipient! Hugs, Bobbie M.”
Over 250,000 seniors in Los Angeles face hunger insecurity, many of whom are isolated and homebound. St. Vincent Meals on Wheels steps in daily to provide food and love to our at-risk neighbors. Delivering nearly 100,000 meals a month, we also go #BeyondtheMeal to make a tangible difference in the lives of the hungry and homebound, offering hope and human connection.
Consider the heartfelt note from Luis T. who writes, “Meals on Wheels is a life saver, what would I do without food? Luis T. P.S. To all the volunteers in service to others, thank you!”
SVMOW clients are our loved ones, parents, grandparents, veterans, and neighbors—many live at or below the poverty level.
For Dionicia F., our outreach has a personal touch. “I am deeply happy that you remembered my birthday! Thank you all for being so nice to me. God bless, Dionicia F.”
A simple act of remembrance can make all the difference in the world to someone who often feels invisible.
Messages of thanks and appreciation help us thrive and remind us of the impactful work of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels with each meal we prepare and client we serve.