Making the Holidays Merry and Bright

This past holiday season, St. Vincent Meals on Wheels staff, volunteers and community members joined forces to bring cheer and special holiday treats to our senior clients.

For Thanksgiving, more than 250 pounds of turkey, 150 pounds of freshly mashed potatoes and 50 gallons of gravy were prepped into traditional turkey dinners with all the trimmings, down to the pumpkin, apple and pecan pies.

SVMOW client David Nash gratefully accepting a Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving provided an opportunity to get the word out about the SVMOW Mission, with several local TV affiliates visiting to see the Kitchen staff and volunteers in action, and to interview executive director Veronica Dover.


These seasonal touches let our seniors know we are thinking of them and that they matter, and offer community members a way to get involved and spread some good will and compassion at the holidays, too.

For Christmas, SVMOW’s auxiliary Cuisine a Roulettes collaborated with the Wallis Annenberg GenSpace and long-time SVMOW corporate supporters Sony Pictures and Disney to create hundreds of cheer bags for our seniors, which included toiletries, stationery and other useful items. GenSpace also graciously provided dozens of treat bags for our seniors’ pets, which delighted our seniors who cherish and rely on their pets for companionship.