Living the Dance of Life for Nearly 60 Years

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory.”

In the early 1960s, Luis Brito left his beloved wife, Maria in El Salvador, seeking opportunities in the United States. After working at the newly built Candlestick Park in San Francisco, he eventually settled in Los Angeles with Maria by his side. Their life together was filled with love: raising two children, six grandchildren, and even five greatgrandchildren. They loved to dance and though their young lives were filled with work and raising a family, they managed to find time to also enjoy their favorite pastime together.

However, their world was shaken when Maria suffered a stroke, altering their lives. As they navigated this new chapter, St. Vincent Meals on Wheels stepped in to provide vital assistance. The organization delivered nutritious meals tailored to Maria’s health needs, easing the burden on Luis during a difficult time.

Inspired by the support they received, Luis not only paid for his wife’s meals, but also became a dedicated donor to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. His generosity extended beyond his own family, as he helped others in need access the same vital services that meant so much to them.

Though Maria has since passed, Luis continues to honor her memory through his contributions to the organization and as a meal recipient himself. Today, Luis stands as a testament to the impact of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, embodying the spirit of giving back and spreading love to those in need, ensuring that the cycle of care and compassion continues.


Viviendo la Danza de la Vida Durante Casi 60 Años

“Y mi Dios suplirá todas sus necesidades conforme a sus riquezas en gloria”
Filipenses 4:19

En la década de 1960, Luis Brito dejó a su amada esposa, María, en El Salvador y buscó oportunidades en Estados Unidos. Después de trabajar en el recién construido Candlestick Park en San Francisco, finalmente se estableció en Los Ángeles con María a su lado. Su vida juntos estaba llena de amor: criaron a dos hijos, seis nietos e incluso cinco bisnietos. Les encantaba bailar y, a pesar de que sus vidas jóvenes estaban llenas de trabajo y crianza de una familia, lograron encontrar
tiempo para disfrutar juntos su pasatiempo favorito.

Sin embargo, su mundo se sacudió cuando María sufrió un derrame cerebral, alterando sus vidas. Mientras navegaban este nuevo capítulo, St. Vincent Meals on Wheels intervino para brindar asistencia vital. La organización entregaba comidas nutritivas adaptadas a las necesidades de salud de María, aliviando la carga sobre Luis durante un momento difícil.

Inspirado por el apoyo recibido, Luis no solo pagó las comidas de su esposa, sino que también se convirtió en un donante dedicado de St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. Su generosidad se extendió más allá de su propia familia, ya que ayudó a otros necesitados a acceder a los mismos servicios vitales que significaban tanto para ellos.

Aunque María ha fallecido desde entonces, Luis sigue honrando su memoria a través de sus contribuciones a la organización y como beneficiario de comidas también. Hoy, Luis es un testimonio del impacto de St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, encarnando el espíritu de retribuir y difundir amor a los necesitados, asegurando que el ciclo de cuidado y compasión continúe.