
Join Our Circle of Angels

This week marks the beginning of our annual Circle of Angels fundraising campaign, a crucial initiative that enables us to provide food and love to homebound seniors in Los Angeles. Your donations are vital, allowing us to go beyond delivering nutritious meals to offering comprehensive support and compassion to the most vulnerable and often isolated among us.

Los Angeles seniors rely on St. Vincent Meals on Wheels—and on supporters like you—as their lifeline for nutritious meals and wellness checks.

We invite you to join our Circle of Angels with a charitable donation of $500 or more. In gratitude for your generous support at the Angel level or higher, you will be honored on the Circle of Angels Donor Wall in our kitchen.

Your contribution is more than a donation; it embodies the power of love that sustains our circle of care, hope and connection for those who need it most. Together, we can go #BeyondtheMeal to make a true and lasting impact.

Donate today and become part of something extraordinary.
