January is National Thank You Month!
January is National Thank You Month—a perfect time to express our gratitude to those who support the mission of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. Thanks to your generous donations during the holiday giving period, we can continue our mission to deliver food and love to our hungry and homebound clients. Your support during this critical time of year has a profound impact on our community, enabling us to reach people in need and providing us with the resources necessary to uphold our commitment.
Research from the Mayo Clinic highlights that expressing gratitude can improve sleep, mood, and immunity, while reducing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and disease risk. At St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, we see this gratitude in action every day, reflected in the support of those who serve alongside us.
Volunteers from esteemed companies like US Bank, Singapore Airlines, and Delta Dental generously share their time and skills, greatly contributing to the dignity and well-being of our clients. Through their efforts, they create a lasting impact and truly exemplify where their treasures and hearts lie.
Danke, grazie, merci, gracias, spasibo, thank you! However you choose to say it, express your gratitude this January and join us in celebrating those who make our mission a reality, especially those who gave so generously during the holiday season.