Planned Giving Options
The Sister Alice Marie Quinn Legacy Society was established to honor and recognize our friends who support St. Vincent Meals on Wheels through a bequest of planned gift. Some gifts may be structured to include lifetime income and substantial tax savings. All planned gift donors who notify us of their intentions become Members of the Sister Alice Marie Quinn Legacy Society.
With the aid of your attorney, you may include bequest language in your will or living trust that directs a specific asset, dollar amount, or percentage of your residual estate to be given to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity pays you guaranteed income for life; a portion of the income is tax-free. Once the annuity agreement has been fulfilled, the residual is used by St. Vincent Meals on Wheels as you direct. A gift annuity may be funded with cash or appreciated securities.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder trust lets you make a gift while maintaining a secure income. Once the trust agreement has been fulfilled, the residual is used by St. Vincent Meals on Wheels as you direct.
Life Insurance
Life insurance policies that are paid-in-full or partially paid may be transferred to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels as a gift.
Real Estate
You may make a gift of your personal residence or other real estate to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels and continue to retain full use and benefit of the property during your lifetime.
If you would like to consider including St. Vincent Meals on Wheels in your estate or planned gifts, please contact us at (213) 484-7112, email development@stvincentmow.org, or complete the online form below.