Cuisine à Roulettes Turns 40!
Wow! Cuisine à Roulettes has had a great impact over the past 40 years!
But the fun is just beginning! For the past 40 years, Cuisine à Roulettes has been committed to inspiring and enabling a community of women and men to engage in collective giving to support St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. Through yearly events put on by Cuisine à Roulettes, the results have been a necessary financial lifeline to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels.
With that being said, we are excited to re-vamp and launch a new era of Cuisine à Roulettes.
We would love to have you join or re-join this engaging fun group!
Cuisine à Roulettes is St. Vincent Meals on Wheels pioneering philanthropic group, generating support that’s essential for maintaining the everyday operations of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. This highly engaged group fosters philanthropy through collaboration, event fundraising, pooled resources, social media engagement, and individual giving, to positively impact the community. This group also offers networking opportunities and special invitations to exclusive social events, so members get to know each other and the community they support.
Our Values:
- Inclusivity- We welcome all individuals with a passion for giving, serving, and a desire to grow.
- Empathy- We care deeply about our community and fellow members.
- Leadership- We have leadership roles within our standing committees.
- Curiosity- We are a group that is passionate about learning and growing as we help the aging population.
- Impact- We challenge ourselves to give our time, knowledge, and financial resources to address our community’s systemic challenges.
- Fellowship- We encourage each other through our group interactions, making strong lifelong connections.
Our Commitment:
- Commit to raising $ 100,000 as a group or more annually to further the mission and work of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. This can be done through in-kind donations and/or monetary donations.
- Attend/support SVMOW’s fundraising events.
- Commit to identify and obtain sponsors to support SVMOW’s fundraising events.
- Attend quarterly luncheons.
Questions? Please contact Sonia Sanchez at (213) 484-7775 or email