Breakfast Club
Join our Breakfast Club and provide daily breakfast to a senior for a year.
For our most in-need clients — those who are too frail or ill to go to the grocery store — a home-delivered breakfast provides much needed nourishment to increase health and well-being.
As a Breakfast Club member, you will be supporting a senior each year to receive daily breakfast. Make an annual gift of $730 (or a $60 monthly pledge) to deliver breakfast to our neediest meal clients. With food prices skyrocketing, each breakfast now costs $2, so we need your help more than ever. By joining the Breakfast Club, you will be ensuring a senior receives the healthy nourishment needed to start their day.

Thank You To Our Donors
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Abernathy
Ms. Brandie Alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. Fouad N. Anis
Mr. John P. Araujo
Mr. Dave J. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Arredondo
Ms. Candice E. Baker
Mr. Patrick Bannon
Ms. Lynne Barbe
Mr. and Mrs. Benedetto De Filippo
Ms. Eleanor A. Bliven
Mr. and Mrs. Merv M. Bloom
Ms. Delaram S. Brown
Mrs. Nada Buntich
Mrs. Julie Burkholder
Mrs. Teresa Bush-Zurn
Mr. and Ms. Jose L. Caldera
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clearly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cogan
Ms. Laura J. Corley
Ms. Ella M. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Cummings
Ms. Alma Deswitz
Annamarie Espinosa Trust
Ms. Annamarie Espinosa
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Estenger
Mr. John A. Farris
Mrs. Donna Finochio
Mrs. Marvin E. Flood
Ms. Christine P. Flynn
Ms. Janet Frangie
Ms. Patrizia Gealogo
Ms. Josie D. Godinez
Ms. Elisa R. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gustavson
Mr. James B. Hart
Ms. Kathleen A. Henkel
Monsignor Fancis J. Hicks
Ms. Susan E. Hodapp
Mr. Robert W. Hoff
Ms. Jane L. Hsiung
Ms. Loretta Hultman
George and Bianca Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L. Iwatsuru
Mr. Robert Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Conal G. Kelly
Mr. Ronald S. Kestler
Mr. Alan C. Krieger and Mrs. Anita Tetrault
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. La Rose
Mr. Arthur Langton
Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Lesaca
Ms. Edna Loeb
Ms. Rose B. Low
Mrs. Kathleen Lund
Ms. Melonie Mance-Thomas
Mr. Christopher N. May
Mr. Stewart K. Mayeda
Mr. Larry E. Mazur
Ms. Jane McAniff
Ms. Patricia L. McCandless
Mr. Patrick McGonigle
Mr. Stephen McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Meyers
Ms. Arlene Meyerson
Ms. Jayme G. Miller
Mr. Roosevelt Miller
Ms. Shirin Mistry
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Morris
Ms. Janis W. Morris
Ms. Martha Munoz
Ms. Mary Ann Murphy
Ms. Margaret M. Natsume
Ms. Venus K. Neverson
Ms. Margarita Olvera
Ms. Dolores Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge H. Osorio
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L Perez
Ms. Mary C. Pierce
Ms. Mariana Pilario
Ms. Letizia Portante
Mrs. Yolanda G. Puchner
Ms. Sofia E. Ramirez
Ms. Patricia J. Rau
Mr. William Reeves
Mr. Alan Rock
Mr. Rian Romoli
Ms. Dolores M. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Rose
Mr. Richard A. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie D. Schnell
Ms. Cassandra Sermons
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Steven S. Smith
Ms. Nuala Sperry
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Stein
Mr. Thomas Stenger
Ms. Nancy A. Terriberry
Ms. Debra A. Tokarczyk
Ms. Rita Torres
Ms. Luanne Underwood
Mr. Peter Urquides
Ms. Monique Verschuur
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. George Wang
Ms. Virginia D. Wardle-Renfro
Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Wilson
The Wright Revocable Living Trust