Create a Circle of Love

“Share with those in need to create positive change. Let your compassion and love guide you in building a community that thrives.” Psalm 90:17

As we embrace the autumn and holiday seasons, we reflect on our gratitude for our Circle of Angels donors. Your donations and support do more than provide funding; they truly change lives. Through the support of longtime donors like Charlie and Michelle Kirkpatrick and Ian McShane and his wife Gwen Humble McShane, we create a circle of love, ensuring homebound seniors who might otherwise go unnoticed receive hot meals and friendly visits. A nourishing meal prepared daily, accompanied by the warmth of a caring smile, means everything to those barely able to meet their most basic needs.

Our Circle of Angels fundraising campaign seeks to empower our mission of delivering food and love to hungry and homebound seniors throughout our City of Angels. In this season of giving, your donations can greatly brighten the lives of those who need it most.

As our founder, Sr. Alice Marie, noted, “You are doing the work of angels.” Please join our Circle of Angels by making a donation of $500 or more and extend our outreach, which often goes #BeyondtheMeal with wellness checks, pet food deliveries, and so much more.

Your contribution enables us to continue our vital work, spreading cheer, providing nourishment, and inspiring hope among the homebound clients we serve. Together, we can ensure they not only survive but truly thrive. Join us in lighting up lives and making a lasting difference.
