
Christine Calderon Caruso

“He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” Psalms 121:8

The lives of us all are marked by hellos and goodbyes. Though we don’t all embrace change in the same way, we celebrate growth and cheer our friends and loved ones as they grow and move on.

As Director of Development, Christine Calderon Caruso has been part of the St. Vincent Meals on Wheels leadership team for several years and has left an indelible mark both professionally and personally on the organization she’s helped lead. Beginning as a development assistant, Christine has done so much to raise the profile of our mission to serve food and love to homebound seniors in the City of Angels.

She brought her many years of experience working in the non-profit sector to SVMOW in 2018. We are grateful for her many services over the years, which included identifying potential donors, writing proposals for submission to foundations and other sources of funding, and creating and tailoring fundraising campaigns that met or exceeded financial goals. Always leading with her big, beautiful heart, her fundraising techniques combine traditional and out-of-the-box strategies, making the work enjoyable and always driven by purpose.

Although Christine is moving on from SVMOW, she will leave behind a legacy of care and skill. St. Vincent Meals on Wheels will continue to thrive as we reap the benefits of the many relationships she has forged with her optimism and good will.

God does indeed love a cheerful giver, and we love Christine.