
Celebrate Your Birthday with Us

St. Vincent Meals on Wheels prepares and delivers thousands of hot meals every day to hungry and homebound seniors, as well as other Angelenos in need. You can be part of this amazing effort by setting up a birthday fundraiser to support St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, contributing to the care and nourishment of the most vulnerable members of our community.

Why not make this year’s birthday truly special by encouraging your loved ones to donate to a cause that means so much to you? There are several fundraising levels to choose from: the $5,000 Sentinel, which funds hot meals for two clients daily for a year, or the $730 Nourish, which provides a homebound Angeleno with breakfast, the most important meal of the day, all year long. No matter which level you choose, your support ensures that thousands of hungry residents won’t go without meals.

Setting up a fundraiser is easy, and the reward comes in knowing your celebration will have a significant impact on many lives. Go ahead, share the joy of giving, and experience that warm birthday glow all year round!