Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by Supporting the Mission of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today, while we celebrate the rich heritage and culture of the Irish with parades, green attire, and the famed luck of the Irish, we’re also reminded of the incredible community spirit that surrounds St. Vincent Meals on Wheels.

We feel so fortunate to have the support and love of our individual and corporate donors, dedicated volunteers, and caring staff.

At St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, our mission extends #BeyondtheMeal; we also deliver warmth and love to homebound and hungry seniors across Los Angeles County. This St. Patrick’s Day, we invite you to participate in this mission by supporting those in need with a donation.

Your generosity ensures that these vulnerable neighbors receive the nourishment and care they deserve, reminding them that they are cherished and remembered.

Join us in spreading the spirit of giving and making an impact. Together, we have the power to make a difference, one meal at a time.

Thank you for your kindness, and may the luck of the Irish be with you always!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Don’t forget to wear your green!

#StPatricksDay #MealsOnWheelsLA #BeyondtheMeal #LuckyToHaveYou #ThankYou