Doing Good Works
By providing nutritious meals and home visits daily, we foster a sense of connection, support, and hope in those we serve.
Food as Medicine
An industrial-sized vegetable chopper would cut our prep time by at least a third, allowing us to provide even more fresh, organic produce to our clients.
Listen With the Ears of Your Heart
Our dedicated staff and volunteers prepare and deliver over 3,000 meals daily to the homebound, the disabled, and the terminally ill.
Join Our Circle of Angels
Be a lifeline for nutritious meals and wellness checks today.
A Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse Into Our Kitchen
We are excited to share a behind-the-scenes glimpse into our kitchen, where nutritious meals are prepared and delivered with care to our homebound clients.
Celebrate Your Birthday with Us
Why not make this year’s birthday truly special by encouraging your loved ones to donate to a cause that means so much to you?
Ensuring No One Will Be Forgotten
Many of our services extend #BeyondtheMeal to include vital support such as Wellness and Safety Checks and the Friendly Visitor Program.
Meals on Wheels America Celebrates 50 Years of Service
Since 1974, Meals on Wheels America (MOWA) has hosted an annual gathering of senior nutrition program leaders and allies from across the country for invaluable learning experiences, quality networking, and inspiring keynotes aimed at uniting and energizing this dedicated network.
Reaching Out to Neighbors in Need
We prepare and deliver over 100,000 nutritious meals each month to homebound seniors and other vulnerable residents across Los Angeles, regardless of age, illness, disability, race, religion, or ability to pay.