Create a Circle of Love
Your donations and support do more than provide funding; they truly change lives.
Act Now and Triple Your Donation!
1 out of 3 in LA County face food insecurity.
Volunteer Spotlight: Doug Bello
Doug Bello has been a dedicated volunteer at St. Vincent Meals on Wheels since the early 2000s.
Dedicated Volunteers and Community Partners Transform Hotel Dieu/SVMOW Garden!
Angelita Jayme, our devoted senior volunteer, led the charge in enhancing the outdoor side garden, specifically the donor wall memorial area.
Volunteers Power Our Mission
The dedication and generosity of our incredible volunteers power our mission to serve the hungry and homebound in Los Angeles.
St. Vincent de Paul’s Feast Day
On Friday, September 27 St. Vincent Meals on Wheels and Hotel Dieu celebrated the Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul.
Triple Your Impact
Over 250,000 seniors in LA County are food insecure. They are often isolated and lonely.
Serving the Hungry and Vulnerable in Los Angeles
Our greatest achievements come from making a positive impact by serving the most vulnerable among us, demonstrating that we can uphold our individual worth while lifting others.
Bresee Volunteers Visit Hotel Dieu
Volunteers from Bresee Youth Center visited Hotel Dieu and crafted playful wind chimes with our homebound seniors, bringing joy and tasty treats!