Brunch with Blu Jam Cafe
Long time SVMOW community partner Blu Jam Cafe prepares beautiful and healthy brunch of menu faves for Hotel Dieu residents
Let’s Stay Hydrated!
With the mercury soaring to record heights, and no real relief in sight, it’s more important than ever to help our seniors to stay hydrated.
Celebrating our Dedicated Volunteers
Celebrating our dedicated volunteers with U.S. Representative Jimmy Gomez (CA - 34th District) and Certificates of Recognition from L.A. City Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez (CA-13).
Jimmy Gomez Visits and Delivers Meals
St. Vincent Meals on Wheels is proud to call public servants like US Congressman Jimmy Gomez a friend.
Chickpea Salad
Our dedicated dietitian, Kathy, doesn't just create healthy meals for our senior clients - she makes sure they are delicious, too.
Visit from LA City Councilmember Nithya Raman’s Office
Walker and Emma, staff members from LA City Councilmember Nithya Raman's office visited the St. Vincent Meals on Wheels program last week!
Hollywood Under the Stars 2023
Our heartfelt gratitude to all who were involved in Hollywood Under the Stars! View and download photos from the event.
Cuisine à Roulettes Packing Party
Cuisine à Roulettes volunteers assemble gift baskets for the silent auction at Hollywood Under the Stars and have fun while doing it!
Hollywood Under the Stars in the LA Times
So grateful to the Los Angeles Times for running our ad for Hollywood Under the Stars.