
A Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse Into Our Kitchen

“The needy deserve only the best!” was something often said and implemented by our founder, Sister Alice Marie.

We are excited to share a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the SVMOW kitchen, where nutritious meals are prepared and delivered with care to our homebound clients. The story of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels is one of teamwork, innovation, and action to bring even more fresh, nutritious food to those in need, those who deserve the best.

One recent morning, Bing, Veronica, and Itchaqueria dedicated nearly 3 hours to hand-chopping fennel for a delicious oven-baked dish to be prepared with root vegetables (see Itchaqueria’s yummy recipe below!).

While we love the dedication and care that goes into hand-preparing food, imagine how much more we could do with a little help from modern equipment!

Here’s where you come in! We’re aiming to raise $25,000 to $35,000 to purchase an industrial-sized vegetable chopper. This machine won’t just save us time; it will revolutionize our kitchen operations by cutting prep time by at least a third. With more time, we can bring even more fresh, organic produce to our clients, ensuring they receive the healthiest meals possible.

🙏 A Call to Action: We need your help to make this a reality. Each donation brings us a step closer to significantly increasing our production and providing more fresh fruits and vegetables in our meals. Whether you can give a lot or a little, every bit counts and makes a big impact!

Let’s work together to maximize our efficiency as we prepare and serve food and love to our homebound and hungry clients, helping them continue to thrive. We are grateful for your continued support and generosity!
